Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Anime Van!

How cool is this? Very cool!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Chicago's Field Museum houses a 3,000 year old Egyptian bust that bears a striking resemblance to Michael Jackson. It was carved between 1550 b.c. and 1050 b.c. and is reported to be of a woman. Interesting enough, Jackson cast himself as an interloper in ancient Egypt for his video "Remember the Time", so maybe he sensed some Egyptian roots himself.

Leave it to Japan

Tokyo's Aokazetei Cafe opened July 25th with an entire wait staff of kigurumi wearing full body cosplay outfits. I personally am always open to a little cosplay, but this is just downright creepy. For the fortunate few who are unaware, "kigurumi" cosplay can be best described as mascot cosplay, wherein the cosplayer dons a full-body suit and mask. While the term itself is quite general, covering everything from mecha cosplay to the sorts of animal suits worn by furry enthusiasts, this particular variant concentrates on wearing full facemasks with the design proportions to suit the characters and costumes. I could not imagine sitting down in a restuarant and being approached by these freakish, dead-eyed masks...can you say psychological trauma?

Anime Recommendation

Fruits Basket:

Tohru Honda is a compassionate girl who is down on her luck. Her mother having recently died, she has been forced to camp out in the woods for shelter. However, things start to turn around once she is invited to live with class hunk Yuki Sohma and his family... but all is not as it seems! Yuki's family is burdened with a dark curse which causes them to turn into the animals of the Chinese zodiac once hugged by a member of the opposite sex... and Honda may be the only one who can help them.

Every now and then I run across anime that I just fall in love with. It has to have that perfect mix of drama, cute, and great animation...Fruits Basket is one of them.


The Japanese have a way to make the most simple things look so appealing. Check out this watermelon, as if the melon itself isn't tempting enough, they put it in this bright and colorful anime box. For 3,150 yen (roughly 32.00 USD!) you can have one for yourself.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Loving all the Toki Doki Be@rbricks I have seen lately.

One of those days...

I had one of those what the fuck is going on days last week. I don't know what it is that makes some days seem so weird, could be all my past drug abuse, could be some kind of misalignment of the stars (this I doubt), but there are some days where it just seems like weird shit is happening all around me. Not neccessarily extraordinary shit, but just mundane thing seem strange..making it all that much more weirder, if that makes sense. On the way to Wal-Mart I see a Chinese(?) woman walking down the street wearing one of those huge rice patty type hats. You know, the one's that are made from straw, kind of triangle shaped. The woman herself was not quite strange, but add the hat, and the In and Out cups and bag that she was holding, almost as if she had them on a serving platter...weird. Once I got to the store I already had realized that it was one of those off-kilter type days in my world so I was expecting to stumble across an abundance of weird shit going on at Wal-Mart, after all...that's all that really goes on at Wal-Mart, isn't it? So I lose Sam once we get in the store, but I need to ask him something. This is one of the few times I actually sought him out in a store, usually I try to ditch him, to tell you the truth. As I am searching for him I pass by a guy with down syndrome. Ok, nothing funny about that, I'm concentrating on the weird, not the funny. He was about 300 pounds, yet roughly 5'4" tall. He was wearing jeans, a wife beater, and suspenders, and sporting a short messy mowhawk. He was by himself, pushing a cart calling out "Mommy, mommy!". Whoa. It did not end there. On the way home I stopped at Weinershitnzel to score the 3.33 deal (fantastic), and I used a coupon. The cashier snatched it out of my hand...just snatched it! I said "Wow!" and that was it...wow!

My kids are funky fresh, they come by it naturally. Riley loves skinhead reggae, and Morgan is a rude-girl, she loves any ska music. Their choices in music makes me a proud Mommy.

Well...ya' know...

I swore I wouldn't do it...start a blog...I swore to myself, my man..but here I am. I also swore I'd never do a lot of things: use needles, get arrested, yell at the kids, get fat. It happens...I guess. The funny thing is I always "accuse" Sam of blogging. Actually it goes something like this:
Sam "Why do you have to be so mean?"
Me "I'm not being mean, what are you talking about?"
Sam "You know what you're doing"
Me "You're fucking crazy!"
Sam "Please stop, I'm getting mad"
Me "Well, why don't you go BLOG about it then!"